What is the Registry of Oncology Outcomes associated with Testing and Treatment (ROOT)?
ROOT is a nationwide effort to collect quality information needed to advance cancer research. The important research study collects information about different types of tumors, treatments, and treatment responses from hundreds of thousands of people just like you. Your oncologist has chosen to participate in this scientific study in order to help build the only cancer database of its kind and accelerate cancer research.
Why is ROOT important?
No two people are alike, neither are their cancers. This means that each patient will respond to a treatment differently, even when they have the same type of disease. We can see differences in tumor cells, but we do not know how to use these differences to personalize cancer treatment. The cancer care community has only begun to collect the information that will be needed to make this happen.
Patient privacy is the highest priority
ROOT respects patient privacy. Information that could identify or harm participants and their families is confidential and protected.
You are invited to participate in ROOT
We are inviting individuals to participate in this important effort. You will be asked to read and, if you agree, sign a consent form and a HIPAA authorization. You will then be asked to fill out an enrollment form. This can all be done securely online. After consent, information will be collected directly from your care team. You will not be required to do anything more. There is no cost to participate. Your care will not change whether or not you decide to participate. You can withdraw at any time.